Triathlete Visualisation and Hypnosis


“Triathlon training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you are tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.” 

Anyone serious about competing in triathlons should be using hypnotherapy, self-hypnosis and guided imagery on a regular basis to improve their performance.

Using one’s own subconscious mind to improve stamina and muscle strength is a genuine psychological tool for positive change. It allows an athlete to fine tune technique in their own mind before putting it into practice, and it can result in incredible gains in personal performance times. It can also be a huge help in getting triathletes over “the wall”.

Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis techniques can also help triathletes overcome self-doubt and greatly boost confidence levels; overcome fears such as swimming in the sea, as well as nurture the intense focus required to make the difference between finishing on the podium, or just finishing.

By regularly using guided visualisation after self-inducing a hypnotic state, the triathlete can condition their mind and body to carry out movements in a competition which they have already performed thousands of times in their own head. Amazingly, scientists have proven that just by thinking about exercising actually stimulates the body to believe it is doing it, and the body builds muscle mass accordingly. This is because the subconscious mind, and the nervous system, cannot tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real!

Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis can also help triathletes overcome the pain of sore and pulled muscles and tendons, and even more serious injuries. Using hypnosis, the subconscious mind can numb all pain in the body, leaving just a minor signal so the triathlete knows not to push himself or herself too far until it is healed. Numerous health studies have shown that hypnotherapy also greatly accelerates the body’s healing time after injuries and accidents.

The PTSD Retreat Competa and Chili Tri works with The Beat Retreat in Competa to demonstrate clinical hypnotherapy techniques to its triathletes-in-training in free seminars at the centre.