Triathlon Training

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There are few greater challenges for the human body and mind than competing in a triathlon. When you are trying to take back control of your life, both physically and mentally, triathlon training can provide the spur you need to overcome your obstacles and find that long absent sense of accomplishment.

At the PTSD Retreat Competa, guests can enjoy just a taste of what it will take to compete in this endurance sport, or they may be completely committed to participating in, and completing – even winning – a triathlon or IRONMAN event.

The PTSD Retreat Competa is partnered with the Chili Tri Triathlon Training Centre in Competa, with its British Triathlon Federation, Olympian and IRONMAN trainers. As a result of this completely symbiotic relationship, the PTSD Retreat Competa can offer long weekend and week-long training schedules, or even a 12-week programme of training, starting at home, leading to the honing of skills and abilities in Competa and then participation in a locally-planned triathlon event.

All triathlon training packages include:

  • A self-catered or fully-catered stay at the PTSD Retreat Competa, or at the Chili Tri Triathlon Training Camp itself if preferred.
  • Pool swim coaching with full stroke analysis and feedback; posture analysis and corrective programme.
  • Open-water coached swimming skills.
  • Guided and coached cycle rides of various distances and difficulty, plus time on spin bikes on the rooftop terrace.
  • Guided and coached hill sprints, plus interval, cross country and endurance runs.
  • Coached track & brick running sessions.
  • Tailored nutritional plan.
  • Self-hypnosis and guided imagery specifically tailored for triathletes.

*The gym and general exercise facilities at Chili Tri include Crossfit rack and equipment; Squat Rack; Concept II Rower; dumbbells and barbells; ViPRs; Bosu Ball & Swiss Balls; resistance bands; boxing gloves, pads, speed ball punchbag and skipping ropes; Agility Ladder & Cones; circuit training cards; 8kg, 12kg & 16kg Kettlebells; Battle Ropes; TRX suspension trainer

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